Monday, January 30, 2012

Three New 2012 Tracks For A Change

It's not often I promote new bands but today a couple, Toy and Fixers have caught my attention, thanks to Digital Spy. One other too, St Etienne returning after many years' apparent absence. All three videos here for you to decide for yourself if we'll be hearing more of them. It's time the British charts got a bit more interesting!

Toy - Left Myself Behind

Think Cure and someone I can't put my finger on. I'll edit this when I do!

Fixers - Iron Deer Dream

I kept thinking Beach Boys. Quality music but not so sure about the artwork or theme.

St Etienne - Tonight

Familiar but welcome and very professional. Not sure if it's enough to get them noticed again in a big way but I like it.

It's The Whistle That Gets You: France's Eurovision Entry

If the French guy had mimed to the superb pre-release version last year then France may well have won. But he didn't so now they've switched from soaring operatic style to techno-ballad with a whistle. It's the whistle that gets you. Written by William Rousseau and Jean-Pierre Pilot, who wrote the current top spot in the French's charts, this is one to look out for. With a major tour set for the Spring, too, I get the feeling that France are determined to get the tourist business for 2013.

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