Thursday, May 23, 2019

Cock-up On The Eastern Front

It seems that there was a mistake in the way the Belarus jury votes were allocated. They had been excluded from applying their actual votes as their Semi final results had been released published early, against EBU regulations. Instead, someone invented some scores! But they got the formula wrong - or the formula may have been right but the calculations wrong! Whatever the case this is all a bit weird and has resulted in a change in the final results.

The Netherlands, fortunately for everyone other than Italy, still win and the Top 4 remain the same. Sweden are now 5th and Norway 6th and North Macedonia 7th. There are a few other changes too. Here are the revised scores in total:

  1. Netherlands (498)
  2. Italy (472)
  3. Russia (370)
  4. Switzerland (364)
  5. Sweden (334)
  6. Norway (331)
  7. North Macedonia (305)
  8. Azerbaijan (302)
  9. Australia (284)
  10. Iceland (232)
  11. Czech Republic (157)
  12. Denmark (120)
  13. Cyprus (109)
  14. Malta (107)
  15. Slovenia (105)
  16. France (105)
  17. Albania (90)
  18. Serbia (89)
  19. San Marino (77)
  20. Estonia (76)
  21. Greece (74)
  22. Spain (54)
  23. Israel (35)
  24. Belarus (31)
  25. Germany (24)
  26. United Kingdom (11)
There's really nothing I can say.

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