Sunday, May 12, 2024

Eurovision 2024: The results

 Here are the Top 10 votes from the Public, Jury and overall.


The Public vote was pretty much as we'd expected, apart from the massive support for Israel which I had not counted on and some very surprising low votes for Austria, Norway and, of course, United Kingdom getting none at all! I agree that it was a horrible thing to watch but I was sure there would be a fair bit of support for Olly who was well-known and a decent singer with a reasonable song. That presentation, though, was just ugly. I'm sure that if he'd just stood there and sung the song he'd have made the Top 10 instead of finishing 18th, not bottom, thanks to the Juries!

The Jury vote was also pretty expected but, in contrast, the omission of Israel and the big vote for Germany and Sweden were surprising.

So the overall result had 7 of my predicted Top 10 but I was wrong about Greece and very wrong about Norway and United Kingdom. 

I did not see the Jury votes being as generous as they were with Croatia and Ireland, and Germany's dull entry must have been much better in the rehearsal that they voted on. Sweden in the Top 10? One wonders whether that was just because they were the host and were constantly in everyone's mind due to the 50th anniversary of Abba's win. As a result, Italy and Ukraine's numbers were lower than I'd predicted and the end result was not as close as it might have been.

Switzerland deserved the win, for sure. A good result.

Very stupid and rude people in the audience on the night did not contribute at all to any theme of being together or caring for each other. You do wonder, sometimes, how people who are gay, queer or whatever, can possibly support a terrorist organisation like Hamas who would probably execute all of them for their behaviour being unacceptable in whatever religious orders they follow over there. They were rude to the Israeli act and the person trying to give their votes as well as insulting the guy who runs the show, presumably blaming him for permitting Israel to participate.

It seems very strange to me that these people support Ukraine, a country that was invaded by a nasty neighbour who has killed lots of their people, but don't support Israel where the same thing happened on October 7. Both Ukraine and Israel have fought back against the bad people but all these protesters seem to think that Ukraine is good and Israel is bad. Odd. Israel would welcome people of all persuasions, gay, queer, trans or whatever. I really do not think that Hamas would, and yet they get the support from so many of these people. Queer, in all senses. I do think they were so very wrong in attempting to mess up a competition like that and congratulate the organisers on controlling things as well as they did. One feels sorry for the guy in a suit and he may well decide that enough is enough and retire.

Interesting to note that no groups did well this year. All the Top 10 overall were individuals, either alone or very prominent, or a pair.

That's it for another year.

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